Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Letters

I've seen this done before, around, in other blogs, and being that I am a "copy-kitty" at heart, decided to give it a go today!

Dear 3 day weekend: Come to Momma! Monday our little islands celebrate National Heroes Day, to me whoever decided to declare it a holiday it's already my Hero, LOL!

Dear Sheba Girly-Girl: you are a wonderful dog and pet, even with everything you went through this week and having to wear a cone for at least a week, you still give us kisses every time you get the chance and are always in great spirits, looove you!

Dear Boogie Nights: I am so happy you are back and tonight we will be "boogieing" the night away while we celebrate Emma's birthday. So, let's boogie!

Dear Alicia Keys: nothing personal, but at this point feel free to "crash and burn" because of the amount of times your "Girl on Fire" song is playing on the radio daily, I can't stand it any longer.

Dear Black Tiger Extra Bold Coffee: I LOVE YOU! And although I only drink you while at work because you only come on Keurig coffee pod form, Oh how I wish you be sold in coffee bean form to also enjoy you at home. Also, thank you CoffeePeople for bringing me joy via this wonderful coffee every morning!

Dear bathroom scale: I do not dread our encounters anymore! It's been more than a month since I entered the "maintenance phase" of my diet and so far every morning you've been cooperating, yesterday my weight was even 1 lb down, so thanks for keeping me encourage and partnering with the mirror, you guys rock!

Dear Alarm Clock: Why oh Why is it so hard to enjoy your morning serenades? Specially on a day like today when you go off at 5:55 so I can make to the 6:30 gym class, it is a painful time but very worth it so that way I can keep up a good relationship with Ms. Bathroom Scale, so thanks for doing your part!

Dear tectonic activity [aka Earthquakes] in Costa Rica: Please STOP! There's been so many earthquakes back home this past week that it is frightening, some a not very strong and people some times don't feel them but yesterday morning they had a 5.3 and another a bit weaker... I am very scared of them and I am thinking of going home in March, so please pretty please God, make them stop, thank you!

Dear Blog readers: thank you for keeping up with me and actually act as if you care about anything that I say write about, you guys make this whole blogging thing so worth it, have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Good to see you again!

Almost 3 years ago (to the day) I had a visit from one my readers that came to the island on a cruise ship and stopped by the gallery where I work to say hello.

Well yesterday, to my surprise, Barbara came back to see me once again and it was great to see her... I tried to take an updated photo with her but she refuse saying the last one was pretty bad (I don't think so though!)... So, today I am sharing a blast from the past from January 20th, 2010 when she was here first.

Sorry Barbara for re-posting the much dreaded photo... But it was great seeing you again!!!

I made her promise that next time she will tell me the exact date she is coming so I can have some time off, shower her a bit around the island and take her to meet Ditto & Sheba plus the Magnificent Seven (our cats!)...

So, this goes for Barbara and for anybody that wants to come visit... But if you can spare more time and stay longer, you are welcome too, just let me know with enough time to set it all up.

Now, feel like linking up and sharing a blast from YOUR past?

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

[semi] Wordless Wednesday!

"The Earth has music for those who listen"

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

10 on...

It is that time of the week again, when I link back to Linny and Amber for some 10 on Tuesday!

There's nothing like starting the week a winner... Yesterday I received an email from the lovely Hallie from "Life: Oceanside" notifying me that I won one of her special giveaway on her blog, thanks girl!

So, I had plans to go away for my weekend but now it looks like something has come up for work and that really pisses me off, specially because it's always around my b-day and this year I really wanted to go away... So, instead I am going to have to shorten my trip but I refuse to cancel!

Lately my Outlook at work is giving me lots of grief, acting up by not downloading messages, it tries but then it stays at around 95% and I have to close it and reopen it every time for it to get it done. In theory it was fixed last week but it really wasn't.

Yesterday my friend brought up her little boy Joshua to pick up his lil' penguin and he loved it... I am sure he will be using it like a ball and will have a blast with it. It was great to see his happy face when he got it, worth all the work involved in make it!!!

A few weeks ago I got this awesome photo from my brother (who lives in Costa Rica near a huge National Park/Primary Forest), there he took this photo with his remote camera which is about 500ft from his house...

No, that is not a the common house cat, but it is a feline, in fact it's a Ocelot which is sort of a leopard and jaguar but much smaller... pretty cool, uh?

As some of you know, all of my children have paws and each and every single one is very unique, so when it comes to petting them, I couldn't help but chuckle at the following "chart" on petting etiquette according to animal...

This morning I had to take our dog Sheba to the vet, she's had this skin allergy for a while and Vet has been unable to give us a good diagnostic and treatment, so we changed Vets. The ended up leaving her in to clean the problem in her tail and I will have to pick her up later... with a cone included, poor girl!

Friday is "Boogie" time, we are going out to celebrate a friends birthday at a place where they have "Boogie Nights" which is all 70's music, it should be fun!

I feel as if there's too much month left on my paycheck as of today, and it's only the 22nd so payday is not even close, sucks!

Sometime thinking of 10 things to share here it's hard... And lately once I've press the "Publish" button I end up thinking of other stuff... Oh well, 'till next time!

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Productive is the way

Although I didn't get outta the house very much during the weekend other than to take a massage that was a Christmas present and going to Church on Sunday...  the best word to describe my weekend is "productive".

Yes, it was productive from the reading point of view as I am happy to report that I am half way through my 4th book of the year, meaning I am in the right track for the 30 book in a year challenge!

Right now I am reading a totally random book about ancient Egypt called Moon of Israel (funny it's not called Moon of Egypt, but the story has lots to do with Israelis as well). The first couple of chapters were not that good (I think translation has something to do with it), but it's now getting interesting so I am looking forwerd to finish it soon!

It was also productive on the crochet project front, this time a lil' penguin I made for a friend of mine baby boy that turned 1 year old yesterday, this is Joshua's new penguin!

But the "productiveness" did stop at crochet, I also cleaned my closet and some of my drawers...

Now, the thing I can't figure out about my closet is, that each time I clean it, I end up with a big pile of stuff to give away to charity but my closet never seems look emptier and still in the back of my mind I feel as if need more clothes?!?

This year I am making a point of get rid of as much stuff as possible, those things that I do not use and perhaps can generate some money for charities like the Cayman Islands Humane Society that is in urgent need of a new building, hopefully my pile of stuff can help them a bit!

But it wasn't all work, work, work... while reading in the back yard and enjoying the afternoon sun I took some photos of the resident birds that come to bathe in our back porch water bowls.

Are those birds great, I love how different species come and share the bowls, something they kind of fight but they are pretty good in general... We have about 5 or 6 species that come and go, the most common one is the Bananaquit (showing in the first photo), but there are also Northern Parulas (showing in the last photo), Warblers and more...

Hope everybody had a nice weekend... Wishing everybody a productive week ahead!


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