Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Just Add Rain

My three day long weekend was nice, but it was mostly spent indoors as the weather was pretty crappy (and still is)...

Saturday was overcast for most part of the day but at least it wasn't raining. In the evening we went to have dinner with some friends and then afterwards stopped by to celebrate our friend Simon's birthday and to thank him for taking care of our animals and house while we were away!

Our friend Simon gettin' some LOVE for his b-day (photo by L. De Viers- facebook)
Sunday I went to the 6 month review for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program, it was a short meeting but I am glad I went because we talked about some important issues and we came up with a plan of how to approach those.

So, when it rains and there's point in going outside, what do you do?!?!?

Well, I spent the day watching tv and working on some crochet projects as I am trying to come up with ideas for my next giveaway which will be coming real soon... (stay tuned!}

I worked on this little Koi Fish Money pouch which I gave to my friend Jody on Saturday when we had dinner with her and her husband, she loved it!

What do you think? You like or not? Is it giveaway material or not?

Out the following bag I found on Pinterest, I got inspired to crochet a little pouch with a new pattern I recently purchased..... (inspiration is on the colors only!).

Unfortunately I took the picture of the finished product at night, so can't really see the colors very well...

Yesterday morning at around 5:30am it started raining with very strong wind gusts and it pretty much hasn't stop raining since, I went out of the house only once to walk the dogs and managed to get a little video so you can have an idea of what our "lovely day" looked like but unfortunately I was unable to upload it.

Hope everybody's has a great Tuesday and our is not too wet!

7 commented; now it's your turn!:

MarkD60 said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I hope it doesn't rain today!

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

That money pouch is super cute! I'm glad you found ways to keep yourself occupied while it was raining. Here's hoping for a clear and sunny week ahead!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Ooooh! how cute! yes! I love the little Koi money holder! It's darling. When it rains here, I either sit down and read or do laundry...debbie

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

soooo cute! The fish is definitely give-away material!! You are so talented!!!

Love the crocheted bag as well!
You sure made good use of bad weather!

Colleen said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

That little koi fish money holder is just adorable!! I think it's definitely giveaway material!!

Saints and Apostles said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Mariasol, the koi fish is CUUTE!! And that new pouch - AMAZING. Love the colors. You are seriously good at this!
Please send the rain our way :-)

Saints and Apostles said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Sorry, forgot to switch to God's Little People account... it's me Joan.

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