Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pause and take a breath!

At a time when life is some times confusing, when opportunities don't come to us so easy, here I am today writing another post but considering finishing my blog adventure for good.

Yesterday before falling sleep I mentioned it to my hubby and his reply was "I heard that before!", but this time, for me it feels as if it's the right time to perhaps considering it for good.

Part of my heart is still here and still wants to continue writing and sharing about my life, but part of it is saying that life is giving me chances that need my full and complete attention so perhaps stepping away is the adult, responsible thing to do.

So, for now, I am going to go on a very needed hiatus to do some soul searching and making a final decision, perhaps once I take on this new opportunities... hopefully I will be able to find the needed inspiration and time to dedicate to this space again, perhaps not.

Regardless of my decision, I have to say that every single minute spent here's been well worth it, specially because of this space has giving me the opportunity to meet some amazing people as well as to share the world of so many amazing bloggers out there.

So, until then... Be good and stay classy!!! 

7 commented; now it's your turn!:

MarkD60 said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I'll miss you, except when we're at home together.
I get tired of my blog sometimes too, but I have to push through the hard times and just keep going.

selsmic was
Maybe part of the problem is that you feel guilty about word verification?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Ohhhhhhhh noooooooooooo!!!!!! Please don't leave!! I love your blog!!
I have been blogging since 2009 and believe me there are times that I have thought of quitting, MANY, MANY TIMES!!!
Ultimately, you have to do what is right for you, I hope the new opportunities are great ones and that you feel that you miss us enough to return!
Much love!

Barbara said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I'll miss you too, but sometimes opportunities come along to demand you pay attention. Seems that may be best, for now anyway. It's a small island though and someday I'll find you to collect that luncheon invite! Make this hiatus count. Best of luck!

Anna E said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

First response: Oh noooo (like Carens), I´ll miss reading your blog SO much! I only read two blogs regularely, and yours is one of them!
Second response: I understand you very well, and have full respect for your decision. Life is for living, and sometimes (I found) the computer can take up too much of that precious space...
However - it might be that you wish to keep your ´faithful blogfollowers` updated once or twice a year..??
Whatever causes you to take this decision, I wish you all the best, and I know you´ll have a great and magical journey whateever you decide to do, because you are made special from our Creator. Thank you Mariasol for sharing your ups and downs, your bright uplifting stories, your philosophies and recomendations of films, books etc. etc. Now I know where Cayman Islands are, and if I come by some day, I´ll definitely find you. Huge HUG, and take care!!! xox <3 Anna E.

Anna E said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

PS Some extra thoughs came up: Sometimes it is good not to have too many ´connections` with people on the outside, that one doesn´t even know (everyone can read your blog and have different thoughts about it, and if you´re sensitive you might get affected by that). Sometimes life calls for a ´cloister´situation, and a more inward going journey. I heard that the age between 38-42 is like a "midlife crisis" where things can seem difficult and challenging and new things in life are stirring. So you might feel that as well. Anyway, just a little extra... :-)

@the bench said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Good luck in finding the balance you need in your life right now!

Martha Hokenson said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Aw, I'll miss your posts. But I hear you on needing a break to concentrate on "real" life. Good luck with everything 2013 brings your way!

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