Well, about the part of browsing blogs is what I'm talking about. What's up with blogger sometimes? Whenever I try using that "next blog" button I have come to found out that this is an extremely temperamental and with "a mind of his own" option.
At times I click on it and it only gives me blogs in either Portuguese, Italian and other languages that I don't even know... Then it tends to give me blogs that do not contain the famous "next blog" button so I am forced to click back and then click the previous choice again (which means is the end of my attempt to keep browsing).
Now yesterday was a completely different experience for me, from the first time I click on that "next blog" button I started getting only blogs related to dogs (pugs, German shepherds, corgis, best behave dogs from NY, even blogs that are supposed to be written by dogs) and the occasional cat... what' up with dat?

Now I wonder what is waiting for me next on the matter of the "next blog"? We shall see... Looking forward to it!!!
5 commented; now it's your turn!:
Yes, it's like the wheel of fortune really! Sometimes you're really lucky and how brilliant is it to be able to connect to all the great inspiration out there in cyberspace. I mean... you live on the other side of the planet, I've got no idea who you are (and yet your blog gives lovely little snippet insights) but you brighten up my day everyday! :-)
Hello GLP, it's definitely a wheel of fortune and you are right, I should have also mention the good part of it, thanks to that next blog option I've been able to find some blog jewels just like yours!
I totally quit doing that next blog thing cause I would always end up on either, like you said, some other language OR a site that had malware and spyware and shit on it. I now try and go to blogs that other peeps of mine read.
I never use that button - so I'll have to try it and see what happens.
I love the cartoons BTW. The one from the Far Side is one of my all-time favorites.
That is tooo funnnyyy!! The same things happened to me when I tried browsing through other blogs! I just gave up! hahaha
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